Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Seasons change so should your Hair Color

As the seasons change, some people get the urge to change their hair color to correspond with the season. Now that summer's in full swing, you may want to change your current hair color but are afraid to, because you haven't had much dye experience. Here are a few guidelines to find a summer hair color.


1. Narrow color choices down by deciding if your natural eye color and skin tone are in the warm or cool area. Blue, dark brown or grey eyes are generally considered cool, as is dark brown, olive or very pale skin. Green and hazel eyes along with golden-toned or freckled skin is considered warm.

2. Try to determine your general schedule of events for the summer. If you plan on spending a lot of time in the pool or at the beach, choose colors (and coloring products) that will withstand harsh chemicals and conditions.

3. Try going a few shades lighter than your natural color, as hair is naturally lightened in the summer anyway. Avoid drastic changes like going beach blond if your hair is naturally dark brown. Consult a professional to find out which lighter shades are within your realm of possibility.

4. Add a sun-kissed look to your hair by adding some streaky highlights or lowlights (if you have naturally dark hair). Professionals can add highlights of various shades for a more dramatic effect.

5. Keep in mind that hair tends to grow faster when the weather is warm. You will have to do a bit of extra work to keep your roots maintained during the summer months.


khmari123 said...

You are so right! So glad you finally decided to do a post!

362436 said...

LOL! Me too!